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印刷用ページを表示する 2023年8月17日更新

 今回の協定に基づき, 交換留学生の相互派遣や国際的な学術連携の推進を目指していきます。



International exchange agreement with Hanoi University

 PUH is expanding its international exchange agreements with overseas universities, and has recently concluded an agreement with Hanoi University, the 43rd university to do so.
 Hanoi University was established as a foreign language school, became a foreign language university in 1967, and was renamed the University of Hanoi as a comprehensive university in 2006. A wide range of fields of study are available in English, including information and communication technology, management, accounting, finance, tourism management, and marketing.
 On August 15, 2023, President Morinaga visited our new partner university and participated in the agreement signing ceremony. We were able to confirm that we will promote mutual exchange in the future.
 Based on this agreement, we will aim to mutually send exchange students and promote international academic collaboration.

 For more information on Hanoi University: http://internationaloffice.hanu.vn/


ハノイ ハノイ